Yepper - you really missed it! If you weren't here (here being IntelliFest 2012 in San Diego, October 22-26) for the past three or four days, you missed that once in a century, maybe once in a millennium, happening. We had
- Dr. Charles Forgy, inventor of Rete, Rete 2, Rete III and Rete NT
- Dr. Doug Lenat, inventor of the 30-year and still-ongoing CYC program
- Dr. Stephen Grossberg, one of the Godfathers of Mathematical Neural Networks
- Gary Riley, inventor of CLIPS, the standard for rulebased systems
- Mark Proctor, inventor of Drools and all things Drools-related
- Carlos Seranno-Morales, inventor of Advisor (Neuron Data) and Sparkling Logic
- Dr. Jacob Feldman, inventor of Open Rules
- Dr. Vijay Bandekar, early AI pioneer and BRE architect at Cisco
- Dr. Alex Guazzelli, creator and author of PMML, Predictive Modeling Markup Language
- Dr. Wolfgang Laun: Jess and Drools Guru, Rulebase Patterns creator and all-round cool guy
- Kenny Shi, Rule guru at eBay on fraud detection
- Paul Snow, inventor (among many) of Fifth as well as DTRules
- Paul Vincent, former Neuron Data guy and now Tibco guru
I don't think these guys will be together again in one place again this century. Not all at once in one place where you or I can talk with them, have breakfast, lunch or supper with them, talk about the universe in general or rules or AI in particular with them individually or in a group, listen to them expound or argue with each other, discuss things... It was absolutely, positively, GREAT!
And you missed it. Oh, well... I tried to tell you. Mark tried to tell you. Jason tried to tell you. Everyone here tried to tell you. But you wouldn't listen. Nooooo... You were too busy with this and that and the other. Well, you missed it. Just like Woodstock. Just like Paul McCartney's last concert. Just like BB King's last concert. Just like SRV's last concert. You missed it. And all you can do is hope to see one of the slide presentations if and when they become available - which most won't since the authors won't release them to the public. Sorry, Charlie. You missed it.
Oh, one other thing. See my blog on Bad Bahai for my comments on my stay at the Bahia Resort Hotel. It was close to terrible.