Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blaze Advisor


Well, we're all working our tails off over here trying to get Blaze Advisor 6.9 out the door this quarter (more exact dates will come later) and start ramping up for Blaze Advisor 7.0 I've seen the new and improved 6.9 and it looks really good. For starters, the GUI part has been improved and a lot lof the suggestions from the users have been incororated into it. Advisor 7.0 will be even better, but 6.9 still has a LOT of really good stuff coming out.

I did work with Yaakov at KBSC to do some benchmarks for a client the other day to see how many trivial rows of a five column Decision Table we could put into a BA 6.8 Decision Table using Vista 64-bit O/S, 12GB of RAM and Java 6 JDK 64-bit. A lot of stuff was running in the background but still it installed and compiled a single table with 250,000+ rows. A single table (NOT the sane way to design a table) but someone had asked the question so we decided to just see what we could do. Certainly I hope that no one ever tries to do this in real life but at least we know what can be done.

Which brings up the question of proper rulebase architecture, something often forgotten. Just as you would not ask a beginner to design you database (you would get a certified DBA) then, in the same line of logic, you need a real RuleBase Architect to design and help maintain an enterprise rulebase. Going to a one-week (or three week) school certainly will get you started, but you need a professional if you have more the, say, 2K or 3K rules and you're running with a commercial database and a commercial server and any commercial anything. You MUST have the right person for the big jobs, and usuall that's one of the vendor's guys from the plant who has the contacts to reach out and touch for help in really sticky problems.

Well, enough for now. Check back later and I'll try to have more goodies for you. OR, a better idea, just sign up for the RSS feed and read them whenever they are posted.


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