Most of us older folks learned to quit fighting with our hands (too many broken/bruised knuckles) and now have legal, concealed-carry permits. You do not need a CHP for a fire arm in your home. So, here goes nothing. This is usually called, "Texas Gunfight Rules". Please don't send me any emails nor comments calling me a "gun nut" nor a "right wing nut" nor anything like that. Just some common-sense rules for living in the plains of west of the Mississippi River:
The “unwritten rule” of Gunfight Rules
is, of course, always have a gun. What
is locked up and away from you is of no use.
What is unloaded and cannot be loaded in 1 or 2 seconds is of no use in
a panic situation.
A: Guns have only three enemies: rust,
liberal politicians, and unthinking spouses.
B: It is always better to be judged by 12
than carried by 6.
(This from "Blue Bloods.")
C: Cops carry guns to protect themselves,
not you.
D: Never let someone or something that
threatens you get inside arm's length
. (Actually, if the threat is deadly, keep them at least 20 feet away - studies have shown that a highly-trained attacker can move in for a kill with only a knife before a trained police person can draw and shoot.)
E: Never say, "I've got a gun!",
without being prepared to use it. If
you need to use deadly force, the next sound that they hear should be the
safety on your gun clicking off. My Dear
Old Dad always taught me, “If you pull the gun you had better be pulling the
trigger. Otherwise do not pull the gun. Never pull a gun just to threaten
someone. It doesn’t work.”
F: The average response time of a 911
call is 24 minutes; the BEST response times are about 10 minutes. Response time where I live is about two hours depending on the time-of-night. The response time of a .357 is 1400 feet per second or 1150
fps for a 9mm.
G: The most important rule in a gunfight
is: If you absolutely can't avoid it, Always Win!
H: Make your attacker advance through a
wall of bullets. . . You may get killed
with your own gun, but he'll have to beat you to death with it because it'll be
I: If and when you are in a gun fight: If you are not shooting, you should be
loading. If you are not loading, you
should be moving, If you are not moving, you're probably dead.
J: In a life and death situation, do
something. . . Liberals may argue, but
do something!
K: If you carry a gun, some people might call you
paranoid. Nonsense! If you have a gun, what do you have to be
paranoid about?
L: You can say 'stop' or 'alto' or any
other word, but a large bore muzzle pointed at someone's head is pretty much a
universal language.
M: You cannot save the planet, but you
must do everything you can do to responsibly save yourself and your family.